Sunday, June 13, 2010

Ramping up

Starting on June 7th, I have ramped up my work out routine. I have less than 2 Months before I leave for Rainier! Time to bust my butt in preparation. I have slacked off a bit lately while I was out of town on business.

Here is my workout schedule:

Mondays: After work - Drive to Boulder. Choose one 1) Hike in the Flatirons, 2) Hit the rock climbing gym. Stretch!

Tuesdays: Bike home from work (24 miles). Stretch! Balance exercises (slackline, core blasters, yoga, hooping)

Wednesdays: Bike to work (24 miles). Stretch! After work - Drive to Boulder. Choose one 1) Hike in the Flatirons, 2) Hit the rock climbing gym. Stretch!

Thursdays: Bike home from work (24 miles). Stretch! Balance exercises (slackline, core blasters, yoga, hooping)

Fridays: Bike to Work (24 miles). Stretch! After work - Drive to Boulder. Choose one 1) Hike in the Flatirons, 2) Hit the rock climbing gym. Stretch!

Saturdays: Training event. Choose one or more: 1) Long hike with +30lb. pack. 2) Climb a 14'er with 30lb. pack. 3) Rock climbing outing (Lead climbing/multi pitch). 4) Long bike ride (lots of hills).

Sundays: Rest!

So that is the plan! In July, I will try to increase the intensity and length of the workout sessions.

It has only been a week and I can already feel my muscular structure changing.

Thank you Father for making our bodies with the ability to stretch, change, tear, adapt and heal! I pray that I can bring glory and honor to my Lord and Savior through this mountain climbing journey. Lord, help me to be humble and give you all of my praise. Amen

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