Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here is the description of the climb from the RMI website.

"The Kautz route ascends a classic line on the south side of Rainier and is a great adventure for physically fit climbers ready for a more technical climb. The goal of the Expedition Skills Seminar - Kautz is to build a solid mountaineering foundation for climbers while making a summit attempt on a more challenging Rainier route. This is the perfect trip for climbers looking to develop their mountaineering skills in pursuit of bigger peaks such as McKinley, Aconcagua or the Himalayas. This program consists of a Mountaineering Day School, a Technical Training Day and four days of expedition style climbing."

Looks like fun! I am very excited. I received the RMI registration packet today. I have to fill out information about medical history, fitness levels and emergency contacts.

It feels a little surreal when I stop and think, "I am really going to do this!"

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